Addiction Recovery

More than 70% of our inmates are incarcerated as a result of their addiction. JUST Addiction Staff and volunteers offer a wide variety of individual counselling, addiction education, and self-help groups. JUST Certified Addictions Counselors also provide individual addiction counselling to develop behavioural goals, learn coping skills, and build a sober/healthy support network. 

Programs Offered

  • Medically Assisted Treatment – Provides education on the 3 medications to help treat people struggling with heroin & other opioid use. 
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Supportive and educational classes for individuals with mental illnesses. 
  • Heroin Anonymous (HA) – 12 steps applied to opioid addiction. 
  • Seeking Safety – Evidenced based counseling model to address addictions and trauma. 
  • Criminal Thinking – Hazelden Curriculum, teaches how to break free from the grip of criminal and addictive thinking.  Helps identify cognitive distortions 
  • Introduction to Addiction/Relapse Prevention – Learn about addiction, coping skills and identifying triggers. 
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting – How to get and stay sober though the program of Alcohol Anonymous.  Includes discussion and life application. 
  • AA Design for Living – Inmates read and discuss the AA Big Book for applicable living.   
  • AA Spanish – AA 12-step class taught in Spanish. 
  • AA Studying the 12 Steps – Studying the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in order to be released from the bondage of alcoholism. 
  • AA Understanding the Big Book – Teaches the key principles and attitudes of AA’s 12 steps, with a focus on step 12: the damage, responsibility and willingness to repair. 
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Teaches the principles of the 12 steps as it applies to drug addiction. 
  • Recovery Pod – A comprehensive course designed to help inmates recover, restore and reform from destructive behavior brought on by substance abuse.  
  • Cocaine Anonymous – Follows the 12 steps of AA and then focuses on how these principles can be applied to cocaine addiction. 
  • Living Sober – AA based curriculum that teaches skills to incorporate AA skills into everyday life. 
  • Intro to AA/Bridging the Gap – Introduction to AA and sober support upon reentry. 
  • AA Principles – A program that teaches the principles of the 12 steps of AA. 
  • 12 Steps Straight Up – Intensive study of the 12 steps of AA. 
  • Gambler Anonymous (GA) – 12 steps applied to gambling addiction 
  • Health Dept Recovery Pod – Focuses on education about substance use, developing support system, challenging unhealthy thinking and relapse prevention. 
  • S.M.A.R.T. Support Group – All addictions welcomed.  Participants will help each other resolve problems & develop the power to change with a 4-point program. 

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